The 30 Day Magneto Challenge

Hello, WordPress.

Before I begin this post, I’d like to say that I’m not writing this post to attract attention or garner encouragement. Both would be nice, but my only goal is to have a place to hold myself accountable. I’ve decided that WordPress will be that place.

I also owe you an explanation. The reason this blog is named ‘The 30 Day Magneto Challenge’ is because I am training myself to be superhuman, metaphorically for 30 days. (plus Magneto is one of my favorite superheroes)

Today, I will give you a short summary of the position I am currently in.

I am 15 years old, go to a decent secondary school and am getting decent grades in most of my subjects. I do pursue extracurricular activity (playing sports mainly). But the problem is that I am one of the laziest and most undisciplined person you will ever meet.

I started this summer holidays (6 weeks in total) to change my life bit by bit, but everything, so far, has failed.

Instead of doing what I set out to do, I sit in my room scrolling through the internet or reading pointless fiction books for most of the day. I really wanted to revise for maths this summer and follow my regime through every day but nothing actually happened. I’m that type of student who will do his homework at the very last minute, rushed and scribbled, and not care one bit about the consequences.

The problem with me is that I will try everything but nothing will work. I’ll start off with some good habits and make a tiny bit of progress and then, after my triumph, I’ll mess it one thing up , and come to the conclusion that I might as well go back to where I was.

I’m desperate for a change in my life but I’m not in any immediate danger or anything. I’m just sick and tired of not being able to change myself for the better. Every single day I feel like my willpower is decreasing. So for the next 30 days until September 10, I will experiment with a new method: I will become my perfect, robotic self, torture myself by doing everything the perfect me would do, and write daily updates documenting my progress.

Here is the breakdown of what I set out to do DAILY:

  1. Get up immediately with my first alarm, regardless of what time it is.
  2. Cook myself a healthy breakfast (usually scrambled eggs with green tea)
  3. Wash the dishes that are left over from the night before and make my bed
  4. Brush my teeth twice a day
  5. Have  a cold shower and ensure personal hygiene
  6. Drink 8 cups of water and have two glasses of milk
  7. Do three circuits of chosen workout program
  8. Meditate for 15 minutes
  9. Study for two hours using Pomodoro technique (in another blog I hope to explain what this technique is and why I find it useful)
  10. Write a blog post.
  11. Read nonfiction for an hour a day (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
  12. Get 8 hours of quality sleep.
  13. Write in my diary where I reflect on the day and write down any thoughts

And here are set of 5 rules my robot-self will follow:

  1. No going on time wasters (YouTube, Reddit, social media,gaming or TV). Generally, not going on any devices or gadgets (especially straight before bedtime)
  2. No sugary foods, crisps or sugary drinks (try to keep to 4 meals a day  with no snacking in-between)
  3. Whatever nonfiction book I am reading at the time will have to be completely applied to my real life.
  4. Constantly improve posture
  5. Fort (might explain this in another blog)

That’s what I’ve come up with so far. I’ll definitely take other ideas from you or fresh from my brain.

And, I know what you’re thinking: I’m not the first or the last person to try this out, and it’s never worked in the history of humankind. You can’t  become someone you aren’t overnight. You will mess up the very first day and even the following days. Nobody is going to be able to do everything they set out to do. But that’s why I’m posting here. Because you’re wrong. And I’m going to prove it to you and myself by writing an update every single day. I dare you to tell me I can’t do it. The challenge starts the second I click ‘publish’. And, every so often I may add a challenge to my list.And, every so often I will progress further and further.  

P.S even if I do fail in one area(this may be because of self-destruction or external factors) I will continue and not let that put me down. After these thirty days, the strictness will be reduced.


Self Improvement | Cold Showers

Recently, I have been trying to become a more open-minded person for the benefit of other people and, of course, myself. This has led to many great outcomes including me trying out new experiences and things that I would have believed to be of no use to me. Today, I will take you through one of these new experiences: taking cold showers every morning for a few months.

I will be telling you about my experiences with cold showers, good and bad, as well as listing some of the many purposes they serve. I hope to explain  the reward for putting yourself through such terrifying circumstances, first thing in the morning.

Advantages and Benefits | Cold Showers

The first advantage of having a cold shower is the increase in willpower. Imagine you were asked to go for a morning run at 5:00. If that was me a few months ago, I would’ve laughed in your face and given you at least 100 excuses why I can’t make it and in the end, never even step out the door. Now, after going under extreme coldness, I go for a run, every morning, and have been doing so for a straight month.

Another benefit of having cold showers is the improvement of the health of your hair and skin. After a cold shower, I find my skin looks a lot healthier and there is almost a glow to it. As well as my skin, my hair has begun to accelerate in growth ever since I decided to take cold showers.There is even some scientific proof that i found that proves these amazing occurrences actually happen.

It can also be a stress reliever, especially if you have something like depression. Many studies show that taking a cold shower proves more effective than taking drugs, given over the counter,  that ‘relieve’ depressed people.

I have come to the personal conclusion that everyone needs to start having cold showers or at least attempt to. Although there many other benefits to having cold showers, I believe I have covered the two most beneficial reasons which have affected my life in the best way.

Experiences and Development | Cold Showers

The first day I faced the terrifying task of the cold depths of the antarctic (my shower),I bravely turned the shower on full cold and then just stood there, trying to convince myself that this was definitely a good idea and that the benefits outweighed my fears. Eventually, I jumped in. The spray of the shower hit me shockingly hard and I started breathing really heavily, almost hyperventilating, and began shivering. I hated it and loved it at the same time. I did not know how to control myself.

Half way through the month (day 15), I started to feel a rush of energy and a sense of clarity every single time I had a cold shower. I had  also come to control myself so that I would not breathe so hard and shiver. The trick that helped me do this was to actually  learn how to control my breathing. In a way, you can say this is an extreme way of meditating. Although I still have a massive mental contest every time I step into a cold shower, the experience is almost pleasant, now that I have mastered my breathing. 

Currently,  I take two cold showers a day, one when i wake up and one after I workout(watch out for my workout regime blog post coming soon). Both of these showers allow me to feel a new sense energy creep in whenever I take them.

Final Thoughts | Cold Showers

This was originally a 30-day challenge I set for myself but now, after seeing how my life has improved, I don’t think I will ever stop this new change I have embraced. It has truly become part of my lifestyle.